Showing: 21 - 30 of 517 RESULTS

What is a Book Blurb?

In the last decade, self-publishing has grown exponentially with the emergence of platforms such as Kindle Direct Publishing – that have made publishing a book an easy and accessible process. Numerous independent authors have been able to leverage different marketing techniques to boost their sales and build sustainable self-publishing businesses. A key tool for sales, branding and marketing your book is a book blurb. What is a book blurb? A book blurb is a brief description of a book written for promotional purposes. It gives the reader a sense of the content of the book and proposes the value that …

Blogging - How You Can Leverage Pronouns To Improve Your Blog Article SEO

How You Can Leverage Pronouns To Improve Your Blog Article SEO

Despite all the hype around search engine optimization (SEO), there are some very simple things that a writer can do while creating their blog posts which will improve their SEO and in some ways make the blog procedure read. Perhaps, the easiest way to do this is to replace pronouns with the actual name of the person object or subject being described or discussed. Instead of saying ‘it’, say car, barn, bus, or whatever ‘it’ refers to. With a little practice and some careful editing this is a simple approach which can add much SEO value to your writing. Table of Pronouns Here’s a quick list of …

The Struggles of a Self-Published Author

The Struggles of a Self-Published Author

When it comes to writing, many people worry that they are not going to make enough to live on. This is especially true when it comes to self-publishing your book. Now while it is the easier option, there are some things that need to be considered when it comes to self-publishing, and how to make a living while doing it. Many people swear by traditional publishing, while others claim that self-publishing is better, which path is the best one to take, and what are the pros and cons of each? Traditional Vs. Self-publishing The thing about traditional publishing is that …

Blogging - Why You Should Post Blogs Regularly

Why You Should Post Blogs Regularly

Just as we refuel our car engines every time they are almost empty, the blogs you post on your site perform the same function. It is the medium of attracting more traffic, sure way to get new visitors to your site, and a chance to create a strong social media presence. As a result, regular posting of blogs on your site is the backbone towards a successful blogging experience. Unfortunately, many bloggers and website owners believe blogging works like billboard advertising. They only post a few quality content and then relax, expecting magic to bring their website to the limelight. …

The Parts of an eBook

The Parts of an eBook

Creating an eBook involves much more than just writing the main content. The structure of an eBook plays a crucial role in its readability, navigability, and overall effectiveness in conveying its message or story. Whether you’re crafting a novel, a non-fiction work, or a guide, understanding the various components that make up an eBook can significantly enhance the reading experience. Here, we will delve into the essential and optional parts of an eBook, offering insights into their proper use and how they contribute to the book’s success. Title Page (Required) The title page is the first page of your eBook …

How To Edit Your Own Writing

How To Edit Your Own Writing

The writing process is not complete until editing is done. Established writers like Stephen King write daily, and their first drafts, like everyone’s, can be flabby, unreadable, and mostly grammatically inconsistent. However, great sculptures, bestsellers, and highly rated articles are edited out of the initial drafts. We don’t often see the mess. What we see are refined masterpieces and great articles. What is editing? The process of selecting and preparing written works used to convey information is known as editing. The steps often involved in the editing process include: When should you edit? Every writer has a different circadian rhythm and …

Writing - The Pyramid Approach To Writing

The Pyramid Approach To Writing

The Pyramid Writing Style is a useful way to structure articles. The pyramid is a good structure for your call to action because the details at the bottom suggest what should be done. For example, in email marketing, your call to action could be to buy something on sale or to read a review of a product. The pyramid is perfect for this type of call to action because readers can assess your material without any effort. If you are writing an article for a website, you should use this format as well. This style will make your readers’ lives …

Blogging And Writing - What Is A Writing Style

What Is A Writing Style

A writer’s style sets his or her writing apart and makes it unique. Style is how writing is dressed up (or down) to fit the specific context, purpose, or audience. Word choice, sentence fluency, and the writer’s voice — all contribute to the style of a piece of writing. In literature, the writing style expresses thought in language characteristic of an individual, period, school, or nation. Beyond the essential elements of spelling, grammar, and punctuation, the writing style is the choice of words, sentence structure, and paragraph structure used to convey the meaning effectively. Elements of style Many elements of …

Reading - Tips And Tricks To Become An Avid Reader

Tips And Tricks To Become An Avid Reader

An avid reader is a person that gets so enchanted in the book they’re examining, their general surroundings obscure and vanish and they transform into the characters in the book they’re understanding, they are there in the recounted world they’re scrutinizing about. An avid reader loves to scrutinize, paying little mind to the class. They read, not because they have to, but instead in light of the way that it’s a need. It’s vital to their well-being. An avid reader gobbles up books like a sugary treat, persistently requiring all the more, neglecting to be satisfied. It looks like a …

How To Develop A Writing Style

How To Develop A Writing Style

Wrіtіng іtѕеlf саn bе dеѕсrіbеd аѕ a wау оf lіfе, thе оnlу luсrаtіvе buѕіnеѕѕ fоr thе dіѕѕеmіnаtіоn оf іnfоrmаtіоnѕ, fееlіngѕ аnd dеѕіrеѕ іѕ оnlу thrоugh wrіtіng. Yоur wrіtіng ѕtуlе іѕ a rеflесtіоn оf уоur реrѕоnаlіtу, ѕhоwn bу thе wоrdѕ уоu сhооѕе аnd thе wау іn which уоu uѕе thеm. And thе bеѕt thіngs уоu саn еvеr bе іn уоur рrоfеѕѕіоn, іѕ being thе bеѕt. Sо thе bеѕt thіng уоu саn bе іѕ bеіng a bеttеr wrіtеr, аnd thе оnlу wау tо bесоmе a bеttеr wrіtеr іѕ tо kеер іmрrоvіng оn уоur wrіtіng ѕkіllѕ dаіlу. Fоr іt іѕ оnlу whеn уоu …