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Technology - Using Logical Data Lakes

Technology – Using Logical Data Lakes

Today, data-driven decision making is at the center of all things. The emergence of data science and machine learning has further reinforced the importance of data as the most critical commodity in today’s world. From FAAMG (the biggest five tech companies: Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and Google) to governments and non-profits, everyone is busy leveraging the power of data to achieve final goals. Unfortunately, this growing demand for data has exposed the inefficiency of the current systems to support the ever-growing data needs. This inefficiency is what led to the evolution of what we today know as Logical Data Lakes. …

Oracle Database – Useful links

Some useful oracle documentation references. Reference Type Link Database SQL Language Reference (11.2) Database SQL Language Reference (11.2) Database SQL Language Reference (12c) Database (12c) SQL*Plus User’s Guide and Reference SQL Developer Documentation

What are the Factor Affecting the Selection of Data Warehouse Naming Convention?

The primary factors affecting the choices in the creation of Data Warehouse (DW) naming convention policy standards are the type of implementation, pattern of the implementation, and any preexisting conventions. Type of implementation The type of implementation will affect your naming convention choices. Basically, this boils down to, are you working with a Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) data warehouse or doing a custom build? Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) If it is a Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) warehouse, which you are modifying and or enhancing, then it is very strongly recommended that you conform to the naming conventions of the COTS product.  However, you may want to …

Data Warehouse – Effective Practices

Effective Practices Effective practices are enablers, which can improve performance, data availability, environment stability, resource consumption, and data accuracy. Use of an Enterprise Scheduler The scheduling service in InfoSphere Information Server (IIS) leverages the operating system (OS) scheduler, the common enterprise scheduler can provide these capabilities beyond those of a common OS scheduler: Centralized control, monitoring, and maintenance of job stream processes Improved insight into and control of cycle processes Improved intervention capabilities, including alerts, job stream suspension, auto-restarts, and upstream/downstream dependency monitoring Reduced time-to-recovery and increased flexibility in recovery options Improved ability to monitor and alert for a mission-critical …