Showing: 451 - 460 of 595 RESULTS
Health And Nutrition - Health Benefits of Gardening

Health Benefits of Gardening

Studies have found that gardening has many benefits for our health. It improves our physical health and helps our brains. It also helps improve our memory. It may also protect us from diseases, such as dementia. Gardening is not only a fun hobby, but it can also be beneficial for our health. There are physical benefits and mental benefits to gardening, and there are many reasons to get started gardening. Gardening is a great way to get physical exercise. It can also be a way to ensure a more balanced diet, containing more fresh fruit and vegetables. In fact, the …

Gardening - Indoor Gardening For People With No Green Thumbs

Indoor Gardening For People With No Green Thumbs

Indoor gardening is possible in small spaces if you choose the right plants and growing methods. There are various methods you can choose from including Hydroponics, Hover dishes, and Container gardening. You can also choose plants that don’t require much space or light. This project can be great fun even for people who don’t have green thumbs. Container gardening Indoor container gardening can be a great way to bring the outdoors in, but you must remember to provide your plants with sufficient water. Plants in pots can readily absorb water from several sources, but the method you choose will affect …

Growing Zucchini And Summer Squash: A Home Gardener’s Guide

Thinking about growing some zucchini and summer squash and are not sure where to get started, well, this book will get you on our way. This concise gardening guide provides the essentials any home gardener will need to grow zucchini and summer squash at home for their tables regardless of how large or small garden patch is or if it just a tiny container garden.  This guide covers topics such which quash to choose, garden considerations, and how to handle the more common pitfalls and problems of growing Zucchini and Summer Squash. Growing Zucchini And Summer Squash: A HOME GARDENER’S …

Gardening - The Good Neighbor Rule

Gardening – The Good Neighbor Rule

While writing a quick post about the American Beautyberry, I realize I had never written an article about the good neighbor gardening rule. So, I thought I would take a minute and write a quick post here explaining what that rule is. As nearly every gardener knows, who grow some form of a vine crop in their vegetable garden or large bush, plants sometimes creep into your neighbor’s yard or hang over your fence or otherwise encroach on your neighbor’s area. And I’ve long had a habit of sharing the vegetables and fruits with the neighbors. So, the good neighbor …

Gardening - When Are Blueberries in Season?

Gardening – When Are Blueberries in Season?

When we talk about the best fruit to eat during a particular season, blueberries figure prominently on our list. As for the reason that they are the number one choice when talking about the best fruits to eat all year round, the answer is pretty simple. Blueberries are packed with essential nutrients that are necessary to sustain the good health of every human being. The health benefits of blueberries are so extensive that when I talk about them, I mean good health and the prevention and cure of a wide variety of diseases. When we talk about blueberries, the first …

Gardening - The Benefits of Indoor Sprouts Gardening

The Benefits of Indoor Sprouts Gardening

Sprouts are easy to grow indoors in a glass jar or a separate sprouting container. They are high in nutrients and easy to digest. They are available online and in many specialty shops. For a beginner, a glass jar with cheesecloth and a rubber band secured around the top is a good start. Sprouts are a living food Sprouts are a healthy, delicious food that you can grow in your home. They are packed with protein, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. They can be eaten raw or cooked. Sprouts can be used in salads, stir-fries, and other recipes. They are also …

Gardening - Lawn and Yard Maintenance Tips

Lawn and Yard Maintenance Tips

Lawn and yard maintenance includes keeping grass healthy and weed-free. Basic lawn care includes weed control and fertilization. It also involves edging and grass edging. For tips on lawn care, read on! You’ll be amazed at how much you can save by simply following some simple rules. Weed control Weed control is an important part of lawn and yard maintenance. It is important to identify specific weeds to effectively control them. You can ask a local Cooperative Extension agent for help identifying weeds in your yard and which herbicides will be the most effective. They can also point out potential …

Gardening - How To Create A No Dig Garden

How To Create A No Dig Garden At Home

The no-dig method in gardening is a good way to save time and energy. Regularly turning the soil over can be too much effort for the average person, and digging isn’t always the best option. Additionally, digging up the soil can disturb the natural layering, which is necessary for healthy plant growth. This method also reduces the risk of soil erosion. This method requires that the gardener prepares the bed well in advance, and the soil be sufficiently amended. To achieve this, no-dig gardeners will first need to lay a weed-inhibiting barrier. For this, Charles Dowding recommends light-excluding mulches, which …

Why Should You Grow Beets In Your Vegetable Garden

Why Should You Grow Beets In Your Vegetable Garden?

If you’re wondering why grow beets, there are several good reasons. They’re delicious, nutritious, and easy to grow. There are some important tips to remember when growing them. Learn how to fertilize, harvest, and keep them cool and dry. Then you can enjoy the rewards of your hard work! Benefits of growing beets The growing period for beets depends on the climate of the place where you live. In general, they should be planted in early spring, about two weeks before the last frost. However, you can sow them later if you have a warm climate. In such climates, late sowing may produce …