Showing: 21 - 30 of 33 RESULTS
4 Benefits Of Eliminating Butter From The Diet

4 Benefits Of Eliminating Butter From The Diet

A good friend of mine loves to cook, but he has recently given up butter and now is substituting it with olive oil in many of his recipes. As you might imagine, when someone changes their diet, the first question they are likely to ask is what the health benefits are of substituting butter with olive oil. My friend was surprised by the answer to this question. He was not aware that there are many health benefits to being a vegetarian or vegan. He did not realize that there are many flavor and texture similarities between vegan cooking and preparing …

Health And Nutrition - Benefits of Sunlight in the Morning

The Benefits of Sunlight in the Morning

There are numerous benefits to obtaining at least ten minutes of daily sunshine. The sun’s ultraviolet rays interact with cholesterol in our skin cells to form Vitamin D. However, we shouldn’t forget the mental health benefits of the sun. The right amount of sunlight helps our bodies produce serotonin, which stabilizes our mood and increases our feelings of happiness. If we don’t get enough sunlight, we risk developing the seasonal affective disorder. Fortunately, bright artificial light can help alleviate mild depression. Daily sunshine can also boost our mood and strengthen our immune systems. It can also enhance alertness and mental …

Health And Nutrition - Why a High Protein Breakfast is Important

Why A High Protein Breakfast Is Important

There are many benefits to eating a high-protein breakfast in the morning. It can improve the brain’s ability to send messages, stave off hunger, and boost metabolism. It can also help keep you full until lunchtime, making you feel less hungry. However, it is important to note that eating too much protein can increase the likelihood of fat storage, so you should limit your protein intake to around 10 to 35 percent of your daily caloric intake. Having a high-protein breakfast in the morning will boost your metabolism and keep you full longer. The higher the protein content in your …

Health And Nutrition - How to Make a Baking Soda Mouth Rinse

How to Make a Baking Soda Mouth Rinse

If you’re looking for a way to improve your oral health, you may want to consider rinsing your mouth with baking soda. What exactly is baking soda good for? Here are some benefits of using this ingredient. If you’re curious, read on to learn how to make your own mouth rinse. This method also contains a number of other benefits for your mouth. Here are some tips for making a baking soda mouth rinse: Can Baking Soda Improve Your Oral Health? Did you know that baking soda can improve your oral health? You might be surprised to know that it …

Homemaking - Healthy Sources of Protein That Can Save You Money

Healthy Sources of Protein That Can Save You Money

If you are looking for affordable healthy sources of protein, try sardines. This silvery fish contains about 20 grams of protein per third cup. Sardines come in both canned and fresh form. You can buy them in olive oil or water. Cooked sardines can be prepared in lemon juice or olive oil. You can also top them with chopped tomatoes and herbs. You can also make sardines into burgers. Dry Beans Canned and dried beans are both affordable and nutritious sources of plant-based protein. While canned beans are typically higher in sodium, dried beans tend to have a more natural …

Health And Nutrition - The Nutritional Benefits Of Mushrooms

Health And Nutrition – The Nutritional Benefits Of Mushrooms

Many people mistakenly believe that only white button mushrooms consumed are unsafe, but recent research reveals that white button mushroom is actually safe and beneficial when eaten. In fact, mushrooms contain rich nutrients like iron, calcium, and protein that our body needs. There are also several vitamins and minerals that our body needs. All these nutrients and minerals can be found in mushrooms. So, let us take a closer look at the nutritional benefits of mushrooms for you. The nutritional benefits of mushrooms include reducing risks for heart diseases, cancer, and several other fatal diseases. It is because of this …

Health And Nutrition - The Health Benefits of Eating Raw Vegetable

Health And Nutrition – The Health Benefits of Eating Raw Vegetable

More people are enjoying the health benefits of eating raw vegetable foods. It’s true; you can get a lot of nutrition from vegetables, fruits, and other natural foods. They contain everything you need to keep your body healthy. Here are some of the health benefits of eating raw vegetable foods. The first benefit is that you will feel full longer. The reason is that raw vegetables have the right nutrients for quick digestion. By eating them instead of cooked food, you can save time and energy. The second reason is that you are getting more vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. …

Health And Nutrition - The Lie Of Food Expiration Dates

Health And Nutrition – The Lie Of Food Expiration Dates

The lie of food expiration dates is a very misleading practice that can be very profitable for those that market expired food and prepare it for resale. This practice often takes place at retail establishments as well as processing plants. The lie is intended to increase sales by misinforming consumers about the actual date on which a food item is going to expire. In many cases, the lie is used to increase profits that the food business can make perishable items. While the process of aging food products can be extremely complicated, there are several steps that an establishment must …

Health And Nutrition - Are Diet Plans Safe?

Health And Nutrition – Are Diet Plans Safe?

Are diet plans safe? This is a question asked by many people, especially the health-conscious. The reason is that more people are becoming health conscious and are paying attention to what they are consuming. This translates into better nutrition and better health and fitness. However, are diet plans safe? The short answer is that yes, they are. One of the first things to consider when choosing a diet plan is the underlying theme of the diet. If you are looking to lose weight, you will want to ensure that your diet does not promote extreme eating. Many programs promote eating …

Health And Nutrition - The Anti-Vaccination Myth

Health And Nutrition – The Anti-Vaccination Myth

The anti-vaccination myth is that there are no safe vaccines. Hard to believe, since vaccines have been in regular use since 1798 (224 years) and nearly eradicated fatal and, perhaps, worse yet, crippling diseases like polio, people still choose to ignore the facts. fIn fact, there have been countless studies done that actually prove this. Additionally, these studies have proven that the vast majority of children who receive the shots are getting the appropriate amount of vaccines to protect them from any danger they may face from diseases and ailments. First and foremost, vaccines work by stimulating the body’s own …