Showing: 1 - 10 of 319 RESULTS
Leading Business Cloud Providers

Leading Business Cloud Providers

When discussing leading business cloud providers, we generally focus on those companies that have significantly shaped the way businesses operate, innovate, and compete across global markets. This analysis covers several key players in the cloud industry, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), IBM Cloud, and Oracle Cloud, examining their offerings, strategic advantages, and impact on the business landscape. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Overview and Key Offerings: Amazon Web Services, a subsidiary of, Inc., launched in 2006, quickly rose to dominate the cloud services market. AWS offers a broad and deep set of cloud services, …

Technology - A Road Map For Migrating To A Public Cloud

Technology – A Road Map For Migrating To A Public Cloud

Today, most organizations are looking for ways to cut down their sprawling IT budgets and define efficient paths for new developments. Making the move to the cloud is being seen as a more strategic and an economically viable idea, that is primarily allowing organizations to gain quick access to new platforms, services, and toolsets. But the migration of applications to the cloud environment needs a clear, and well-thought-out cloud migration strategy. We are past the year of confusion and fear on matters cloud environment. In fact, almost everyone now agrees that the cloud is a key element of any company’s …

Cooking And Homemaking - Hearty Fall Pasta Casseroles

Hearty Fall Pasta Casseroles

As temperatures cool off, we turn our thoughts towards warming pasta casseroles that provide nourishment while being easy and quick to make. These autumn-inspired meals can provide both nourishment and tasty nourishment all in one satisfying package! This delicious sausage pasta casserole comes together quickly in just 35 minutes! Try using smoked mozzarella for extra umami flavor and to add an smoky, savory flair. Perfect as a weeknight dinner option for health-conscious eaters! Chicken Alfredo Pasta Casserole If you’re craving comforting food, few dishes top creamy pasta and chicken as the ideal comfort dish. This cheesy chicken Alfredo pasta casserole …

Technology - Data Catalog Vs. Data Dictionary Vs. Business Glossary

Data Catalog Vs. Data Dictionary Vs. Business Glossary

The differences between a data catalog and a data dictionary are vast, and the choices of a single database can be overwhelming. The data dictionary depends on the data that is stored in the database. As a result, changes in data are likely to affect the dictionary as well. However, a data catalog will always be the most accessible reference point when the business glossary is not available. These differences are crucial in determining whether or not a business glossary is appropriate for a specific situation. Alation An Alation Data Catalog is a powerful metadata organization tool that scours the …

Technology - Netezza / PureData - Casting Numbers to Character Data Type

Netezza: Casting Numbers to Character Data Type

I noticed that someone has been searching for this example on my site, so, here is a quick example of how to cast number data to a character data type.  I ran this SQL example in Netezza and it worked fine. Basic Casting Conversion Format cast(<<FieldName>> as <<IntegerType_or_Alias>>) as <<FieldName>> Example Casting Number to Character Data Type SQL SELECT—-Casting Integer to Character Data Type ————— SUBMITDATE_SRKY as  SUBMITDATE_SRKY_INTEGER, cast(SUBMITDATE_SRKY as  char(10)) as Integer_to_CHAR, cast(SUBMITDATE_SRKY as Varchar(10)) as Integer_to_VARCHAR, cast(SUBMITDATE_SRKY as Varchar(10)) as Integer_to_VARCHAR, cast(SUBMITDATE_SRKY as Nchar(10)) as Integer_to_NCHAR, cast(SUBMITDATE_SRKY as NVarchar(10)) as Integer_to_NVARCHAR —-Casting Double Precision Number to Character Data …

Technology - The Best Programming Text Editor

The Best Programming Text Editor

Whether you are a rookie programmer or a seasoned developer, you need a reliable text editor to increase your performance, productivity, and efficiency. The truth is, text editors are the lifeblood for many development teams, programmers, and coders across the world. But these editors are not created equal! A good text editor should help you write neat and accurate code that is devoid of formatting issues. It should also have a fast, flexible, and functional interface that allows you to examine and edit your code on the go. Additionally, the programming text editors should offer robust interoperability between different OS …

Technology - Why Business Intelligence (BI) needs a Semantic Data Model

Why Business Intelligence (BI) Needs a Semantic Data Model

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, data has become the cornerstone of effective decision-making in businesses. The sheer volume and complexity of data collected by organizations today necessitate efficient methods to not only store and manage this data but also to analyze and interpret it in meaningful ways. This is where Business Intelligence (BI) and semantic data models come into play, bridging the gap between raw data and actionable insights. A semantic data model, in particular, organizes and represents corporate data in a manner that reflects the meaning and relationships among data items, enabling end-users to access data using familiar …

Technology - Denodo Data Virtualization Project Roles

Denodo Data Virtualization Project Roles

A Denodo virtualization project typically classifies the project duties of the primary implementation team into four Primary roles. Denodo Data Virtualization Project Roles Data Virtualization Architect Denodo Platform Administrator Data Virtualization Developer Denodo Platform Java Programmer Data Virtualization Internal Support Team Role To Project Team Member Alignment While the denodo project is grouped into security permissions and a set of duties, it is import to note that the assignment of the roles can be very dynamic as to their assignment among project team members.  Which team member who performs a given role can change the lifecycle of a denodo project.  …