Showing: 281 - 290 of 319 RESULTS
Technology - The Advantages of Using Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)

Technology – The Advantages of Using Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services

Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is designed to combine the features of SQL Server with components of Enterprise Management System (EMMS) so that they can work together for enterprise solutions. Its core area of expertise is bulk/batched data delivery. As a SQL Server collection member, Integration Services is a logical solution to common organizational needs and current market trends, particularly those expressed by previously installed SQL Server users. It extends SSIS functionality, such as data extraction from external sources, data transformations, data maintenance, and data management. It also helps to convert data from one server into another. There are …

Technology - Denodo 8 Java Version Requirements

Technology – Denodo 8 Java Version Requirements

In a recent customer meeting about the denodo installation requirements, the discussion turned to the supported Java version for denodo 8.   So, we looked it up to confirm, and as it turns out, the supported version of Java for denodo 8 is Oracle 11. Fortunately, it is well documented in the denodo documentation, the links to which have been provided below. P. S. This is an increase in the Java version required for version 7, which was 1.8. Related References Denodo / Home / Knowledge Base / Installation & Updates / Java versions supported by the Denodo Platform Denodo …

Technology - Denodo Security Roles

Technology – Denodo Security Roles

After running around in the denodo documentation trying to track down the roles and their capabilities, I decided to compile a unified overview of the denodo roles and their capabilities. So, here is a summary list of denodo role and I hope you find the list of denodo security roles helpful. Virtual Data Port (VDP) Roles Role Name Role Can Perform These Tasks Administrator Grants database management including: Creating DatabasesConfiguring and Deleting DatabasesCreating UsersModifying and Deleting UsersCreating Roles allusers Grants the default permission which has been configured for new users. ALL PRIVILEGES Grants equivalent of this list: CONNECT,CREATE,CREATE_DATA_SOURCE,CREATE_VIEW, CREATE_DATA_SERVICE, CREATE_FOLDER,EXECUTE, METADATA, WRITE …

Technology - Denodo Security Enforcement

Technology – Denodo Security Enforcement

As the Virtual DataPort Administration Guide, explains in the section “Types of Access Rights” section, on VDP databases, views, rows, and columns. The denodo role-based access mechanism controls how and what a user or user role can use in the virtual layer, including the data catalog. Important Denodo Security Notes Consumer security authorization is imposed at the object level, then Data Level Consumer security authorization is not imposed on Modeling Layers/VDP Folders Using a virtual database to partition projects or subjects is a Best Practice Basically, the ability to grant security is as follows: VDP Database  Permissions grants include connection, …

Oracle SQL – Trimming a Specific Literal from a Field

I have frequently used the trim command for one purpose or another, but I have not used it to extract a literal out of a field, which I recently used to extract invalid values from a field in SQL.  So, I am providing a sample SQL for Future reference. SQL Pattern:   Select trim (‘I’ FROM <<FieldName>>)  AS <<FieldName>> From <<TableName>>; Substitution example: In this example an invalid indicator (‘Y’) is being removed, performing a Null Value Logic (NVL) substitution to an integer compatible value, then the field is converted to an integer. Select CAST( NVL(trim (‘Y’ FROM AA.Status_ID) ,’0′)AS                   INT)         …

Useful Links – AIX

Here are a few references for IBM AIX/UNIX, which may be helpful. IBM Communities > PowerSystems > IBM AIX IBM Developer > Linux (opens in a new tab)” href=”; target=”_blank”> Linux IBM Developer > Linux on Power developer portal AIX Comand Documentations IBM Knowledge Center > Home > AIX 7.1 > IBM AIX V7.1 documentation Home > AIX 7.1 > Commands (opens in a new tab)” href=”; target=”_blank”>IBM Knowledge Center > Home > AIX 7.1 > Commands

Importing Associations And Joins From A Database Schema in Denodo

A coworker recently asked a question as to whether denodo generated joins automatically from source RDBMS database schema.  After searching, a few snippets of information became obvious.  First, that the subject of inheriting join properties was broader than joins and needed to in modeling associations (joins on demand). Second, that there were some denodo design best practices to be considered to optimize associations. Does Denodo Automatically Generate Joins From the Source System? After some research, the short answer is no. Can Denodo Inherit Accusations From A Logical Model? The short answer is yes.  Denodo bridges allow models to be passed …

Oracle Express Edition Error – ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name

While trying to create user in Oracle Database 18c Express Edition I kept getting an “ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name” error, which didn’t make sense to me so after validating my command, that I was signed in as an admin user, and determining that my “CREATE USER” was formatted correctly.  I did some additional research and determined that in the hidden parameter “_ORACLE_SCRIPT” needed to be set to “True” starting with the Oracle Version 12c and higher. Setting the “_ORACLE_SCRIPT” values To set the “_ORACLE_SCRIPT” hidden variable to “True” you need to run an “Alter” command. Then you …

Netezza – [SQLCODE=HY000][Native=46] ERROR: External Table : count of bad input rows reached maxerrors limit

While helping a customer we encountered the [SQLCODE=HY000][Native=46] ERROR, which was a new one for me. So here are a few notes to help the next unlucky soul may run into the error. Netezza Error Reason: [SQLCODE=HY008][Native=51] Operation canceled; [SQLCODE=HY000][Native=46] ERROR: External Table : count of bad input rows reached maxerrors limit What Does the Error Mean In a nutshell, it means invalid data was submitted and could not be inserted. What To Do Basically, you need to go to the Netezza logs to see why the rows were rejected and resolve input data error, then resubmit your transactions. The …

How to know if your Oracle Client install is 32 Bit or 64 Bit

How to know if your Oracle Client install is 32 Bit or 64 Bit Sometimes you just need to know if your Oracle Client install is 32 bit or 64 bit. But how do you figure that out? Here are two methods you can try. The first method Go to the %ORACLE_HOME%inventoryContentsXML folder and open the comps.xml file.Look for <DEP_LIST> on the ~second screen. If you see this: PLAT=”NT_AMD64” then your Oracle Home is 64 bitIf you see this: PLAT=”NT_X86” then your Oracle Home is 32 bit. It is possible to have both the 32-bit and the 64-bit Oracle Homes …