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Tools and Techniques in agile Software Development Project Management

Tools and Techniques in agile Software Development Project Management

Agile is a software development methodology that has gained tremendous momentum over the last few years. With this growing popularity, so have many tools and techniques that are being created to help the agile community effectively manage projects. While there are many tools that have been developed over time, the basic foundation of agile has not changed significantly over the years. As a result, many people within the agile community find that some of the more popular tools used in agile software development are either insufficient or too complicated for their needs. One of the first project management tools and …

Advantages and Disadvantages of Kanban Over Traditional Methods

Advantages and Disadvantages of Kanban Over Traditional Methods

Agile project management involves the use of short iterations to achieve certain project goals. Agile means “growth” in IT, but this isn’t just a cliche. Agile project development aims to provide a user-friendly, incremental, dynamic process for building new systems. Agile project management principles encourage the developers to think “flat,” which means all issues are addressed at the same stage of the project in a stepwise fashion, with no static process. The key principle of Agile is testing and bug fixing through iterations. The primary goal of Agile To make the most of Agile, the management methodology requires the use …