Poetry - Be Strong

Be strong!
We are not here to play, to dream, to drift;
We have hard work to do, and loads to lift;
Shun not the struggle—face it; ’tis God’s gift.

Be strong!
Say not, “The days are evil. Who’s to blame?”
And fold the hands and acquiesce—oh shame!
Stand up, speak out, and bravely, in God’s name.

Be strong!
It matters not how deep intrenched the wrong.
How hard the battle goes, the day how long;
Faint not—fight on! To-morrow comes the song.

— Maltbie Davenport Babcock

The meaning of the poem be strong by maltbie davenport

“Be Strong” by Maltbie Davenport Babcock is a poem that serves as a powerful call to resilience, courage, and faith amidst life’s challenges. Babcock, an American clergyman and writer, is perhaps best known for his hymn “This is My Father’s World,” but his poem “Be Strong” also resonates deeply with those who encounter it. In this article, we will explore the themes, imagery, and messages conveyed in “Be Strong,” and consider its relevance to contemporary readers.

The Context of “Be Strong”

Maltbie Davenport Babcock lived from 1858 to 1901, a period marked by rapid societal changes, industrial advancements, and various social upheavals. Babcock’s writings often reflected his deep Christian faith and his belief in the inherent goodness of God’s creation, alongside a recognition of the trials and tribulations that accompany human life. “Be Strong” emerges from this context, embodying Babcock’s theological and philosophical perspectives.

Themes Explored in the Poem

Resilience in the Face of Adversity

One of the central themes of “Be Strong” is the call to resilience. Babcock encourages readers to remain steadfast and strong in the face of life’s adversities. This resilience is not just a matter of physical or emotional strength but is deeply rooted in faith and trust in a higher power.

The Power of Faith

Faith plays a significant role in “Be Strong.” Babcock’s invocation to be strong is not merely a call to personal fortitude but to a strength that is bolstered by faith in God. This faith is portrayed as a source of unwavering support and comfort during challenging times.

The Journey of Life

Babcock’s poem also touches on the theme of life as a journey. This journey is fraught with challenges, but it is also a path toward growth and spiritual development. The call to be strong is, in this sense, also a call to embrace the journey of life with courage and hope.

Imagery and Symbolism

Babcock employs vivid imagery and symbolism to convey his message. The use of metaphors related to battle and struggle emphasizes the challenges faced in life, while references to light and guidance speak to the role of faith in navigating these challenges. The imagery of standing firm against the storm evokes a sense of resilience and steadfastness.

Contemporary Relevance

“Be Strong” remains relevant to contemporary readers for several reasons. First, its message of resilience and faith resonates in a world that continues to face significant challenges, from personal struggles to global crises. The poem’s call to strength and courage offers a source of inspiration and comfort.

Second, the emphasis on faith as a source of strength speaks to individuals seeking spiritual grounding in times of uncertainty. Babcock’s assurance that faith can provide a foundation for resilience offers a timeless message of hope.

Lastly, the poem’s portrayal of life as a journey with inherent challenges and opportunities for growth reflects a universal human experience. The encouragement to embrace this journey with strength and faith resonates across different contexts and periods.

Maltbie Davenport Babcock’s “Be Strong” is more than just a poem; it is a timeless exhortation to face life’s challenges with resilience, faith, and courage. Its themes of adversity, faith, and the journey of life continue to inspire and comfort readers, making it a relevant and powerful piece of literature in today’s world. Babcock’s mastery of imagery and symbolism enriches the poem’s message, making “Be Strong” a profound meditation on the human condition and the power of faith to sustain and uplift.