Cooking - Substitutes For Marjoram in Cooking

Marjoram is an iconic herb found in many dishes around the world, but it can be hard to locate. If you need an alternative ingredient, there are several herbs and spices you can use as a substitute.

Thyme is an ideal herb to pair with Marjoram, as it shares similar flavor notes. Additionally, thyme makes for excellent roasts and stews.


Oregano is a staple ingredient in many dishes, especially those involving tomato sauce and pasta. Whether fresh or dried, this versatile herb can enhance any dish’s flavor.

Its robust, woody taste can add a zesty kick to foods. Try using it in pesto or other sauces; don’t be afraid to experiment with it on vegetables like potatoes or mushrooms for an even more earthy flavor!

Recently, research revealed that oregano contains compounds which can combat bacteria resistant to antibiotics. This could be beneficial in reducing the risk of food-borne illnesses.

Use oregano in many recipes by simply stirring some into the ingredients list. Alternatively, mix a small amount of oregano into softened butter and store in your fridge for an irresistible spread that you can drizzle over toast or pasta dishes!

Dried oregano is a widely available substitute and can be found in most grocery stores. While it can serve as an easy substitute for fresh oregano when needed, make sure you buy the correct kind. Dried oregano loses some potency if not stored correctly.

Another great alternative is Italian seasoning, which contains several herbs commonly used as substitutions for oregano. This seasoning can be found at any spice store and easily replace oregano in recipes.

Other herbs you can use instead of oregano include basil, thyme and rosemary. These are usually available in spice blends at your grocery store and will add incredible flavor to any dish you prepare.

Marjoram is an excellent substitute for oregano, offering a flavor profile similar to oregano but less potent. This herb can be used fresh or dried and works great in Mexican-style recipes – making it the perfect go-to if you’re missing oregano in your recipe!

Marjoram is an excellent alternative to oregano and can be used in soups, vegetable dishes and pizza sauce. However, this herb does not hold up as well to slow cooking like oregano does, so it’s best to add it near the end of your recipe.


If you enjoy cooking and baking, it’s wise to have some substitute ingredients on hand in case an ingredient goes missing. Substitutes can come in handy when unsure what to make for dinner, or when short on time and needing something quick-witted.

When cooking, the key to great results is using the correct ingredients in the correct proportions. Sometimes this means following a recipe exactly and adding all of the specified amounts; other times it could mean experimenting with different combinations until you find one that works best for your palate.

As a general rule, fresh herbs have a more delicate flavor than dried ones. Thus, when switching from fresh to dried herbs in recipes, it’s important to reduce the ratio accordingly – for instance, if a recipe calls for 1 teaspoon dried thyme, use half that amount if using fresh thyme instead.

Dried savory, also known as sage, can be used in place of thyme in recipes. It has a similar taste and texture to fresh thyme but a stronger flavor profile. When using dried savory in a recipe that calls for fresh thyme, use about half the amount indicated so the dish doesn’t become overpowered by its additional potency.

Marjoram is an excellent substitute for thyme in many dishes. This herb is part of the mint family and offers a similar flavor profile to thyme. It has become increasingly popular in Mediterranean cooking, where it adds an unique flair to dishes.

Lemon thyme, a perennial herb in the mint family, can be used as an excellent substitution for thyme in various dishes. Its citrusy fragrance blends well with other herbs and spices and has become a staple of Mediterranean cooking – particularly when grilling meats or vegetables such as eggplant or mushrooms.


Sage is an aromatic herb that adds delicious flavor to many dishes. Its pine notes and bittersweet aroma make it the ideal substitute for marjoram in many recipes, while its citrus undertones make it popular in Mediterranean cuisine.

Sage leaves can be used fresh or dried. Dried sage tends to have a stronger, more concentrated flavor and is commonly preferred. You can incorporate it into rubs and seasonings for meats, poultry, vegetables, or pasta dishes.

Sage is often associated with stuffing during the holidays, but this herb also lends flavor to sausages, smoked meats and pasta dishes. For something special and invigorating, sage makes great long simmering stews where its delicate perfume mellows and permeates each bite.

Sage can be used in place of oregano in any recipe that calls for it. Its strong herbal taste pairs perfectly with meats, potatoes, beans and pasta dishes; plus it pairs perfectly with cheeses and nuts in pesto or butter sauces.

Sage is an ideal ingredient for herb butter or blending it with olive oil and spices to create a delectable salad dressing. It also works great as fillings for ravioli or gnocchi.

Growing it yourself is an option if you can’t find sage where you live. It takes only minutes to plant and once mature, you can harvest its leaves for cooking.

When cultivating sage, remember that it requires water for optimal health. Therefore, placing a pot near an accessible faucet will be ideal.

Avoid direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. Furthermore, ensure the dish has adequate humidity levels – either using a humidifier or running it under hot water.

Cooking sage in the oven can help reduce its bitterness. However, be sure to bake it at a lower temperature so that it does not burn.

Use it sparingly to achieve the optimal sage flavor in your food. Too much will overpower other flavors in the dish.

Another option is to combine sage with herbs that have stronger, less aromatic flavors such as thyme or oregano. The sage will help balance these herbs’ flavors while keeping them from overpowering one another.


Marjoram is an aromatic herb that goes great with meats, vegetables and pulses – particularly seafood! You may often find it in spice blends like herbes de provence or za’atar; substituting these blends for marjoram is easy and successful; however many other herbs could work just as well depending on the recipe you’re making.

For a similar flavor and texture to basil, other green herbs such as oregano, spinach or tarragon can be substituted. Just remember to follow each herb’s cooking directions and adjust according to personal preference.

Oregano is an ideal substitute for marjoram, as its strong and distinctive flavor complements soups, stews and meat dishes well. However, since oregano contains a strong ingredient, you should use less than the amount called for in recipes.

Arugula is an ideal substitute for basil, as its peppery and spicy taste complements fresh salads perfectly. When making pesto, using arugula as a replacement helps the basil flavor stand out more clearly, providing similar depth of flavor without overpowering it.

Other fresh greens that can be used as a basil substitute include sage, thyme and oregano. As always, start with a small amount of the substitution to see how it affects your dish before adding more.

When cooking dishes that call for basil, add it towards the end to retain its vibrant flavor. This is especially helpful when using fresh herbs like sage or thyme as their aroma and taste tend to fade quickly.

Rosemary is an excellent substitute for marjoram, as it has a similar peppery and aromatic taste. It adds incredible flavor to roasted root vegetables, meats, stews and soups alike.

When adding herbs to recipes, be sure to place rosemary near the top of the ingredient list since its flavor is not as potent as basil’s. While it may not work perfectly in recipes requiring basil, rosemary can be an excellent substitute for other Northern European and French recipes.

Fresh Herb Substitutes