Gardening - The Best Herbs to Grow in Window Box

Herbs are the perfect plants for small spaces. Basil, Chives, Cilantro, and Mint are all perfect herbs for a window box. Here is a look at how to grow them. They are easy to grow and provide you with a variety of delicious flavors and scents. You can even grow some of your favorite herbs in your own kitchen. Read on to find out which herbs you should try growing in your window box!


Basil is one of the most popular herbs to grow and cook with. It can be started from seed in the spring after the last frost, or you can plant the plants directly in the window box. Start the seeds indoors several weeks before the last spring frost to avoid overwatering. Basil requires moist, well-drained soil. After planting the seeds, cut the flowers to increase the number of leaves. This will maintain the flavor of the leaves.

Basil is an excellent container plant, but it needs more water than other herbs. When planting basil, plant it in a section of the window box that does not have other herbs. Basil needs to be pruned often to stay tidy. Its fragrant, succulent leaves are useful in the kitchen, so you should plant several of these in your window box. You can also grow a variety of other herbs in the same container. You may find the perfect herb for your window box with these tips!


If you have a window box with limited space, chives can be planted from seed. It is best to start indoors about 8-10 weeks before the first frost, but they can be started any time of year. Seed-grown chives take a full year to mature. They need at least six hours of sunlight per day. Once established, chives can be divided. After the plants have produced leaves, they can be transplanted to a window box.

Chives are native to Siberia and Southeast Asia and are the perfect herb to grow in a window box. They have tiny bulbs and tubular leaves that are blue-green. You can use the leaves in a variety of recipes, from soups to pasta dishes. The flowers are edible, as well. Chives are hardy and easy to grow in zones three to nine.


Probably the easiest herb to grow in a window box is cilantro. These plants are well-adapted to both wet and dry conditions. You can plant cilantro in any portion of your window box and it will not get in the way of other plants. Another excellent herb for a window box is French tarragon. This herb is best known for its distinctive flavor and woody stems and thin leaves.

If you’re not sure which herbs are best for a window box, consider using some of the dwarf varieties. These plants are smaller than others and have similar growing requirements. Choose herbs that will not outgrow their container. This way, you can plant cilantro with dill and other herbs that require less sun. If you’re growing herbs for cooking and for garnishing, make sure they’re fast-growing and hardy enough to last the winter.

If you live in a hot, tropical climate, cilantro grows best in fall and winter. In temperate climates, cilantro can tolerate some light shade. In colder regions, cilantro is best grown indoors, where it can still get adequate sunlight. But if you live in an area where winter is the only season for cilantro, you’re better off starting a new plant every three to four weeks.


If you are looking for the best herbs to grow in window box, you’ve come to the right place. There are many varieties of herbs that are great for small containers, and these include mints, rosemary, chives, sage, and thyme. Thyme grows quickly and can take over the window box. Plant it near the front of the box, as it will spread and fill in gaps.

In addition to mint, many herbs will do well in a window box, and many of them can be dwarf varieties. You should select a plant that can grow up to two feet tall, or choose one that doesn’t need too much room. If you have a window box with a small space, consider growing herbs such as rosemary, thyme, sage, parsley, and basil. You can also plant crops in the window box, which will give you fresh food and look great. You can also consider growing nasturtiums to attract pests away from your window box.

The best herbs to grow in window boxes can be a combination of the classic and exotic. Classic herbs, such as basil, mint, dill, and sage, have distinct flavors and grow well in a window box. However, you should remember to keep in mind that they don’t like wet roots, so make sure your soil has adequate drainage and a saucer to catch water runoff.


Herbs like oregano and basil are ideal for window boxes. They are compact and grow well even in the smallest spaces. For more limited spaces, thymes, lavender, and silver-variegated thyme will work well. You can also plant celery in your window box. Just make sure to keep the plant’s height under 2 feet.

Oregano can be cultivated from seed in the fall or from root divisions in autumn. The plant needs six hours of direct sunlight a day but is tolerant of light shade. It thrives in southern climates, and the best time to plant it is when the weather is consistently in the seventies. The plant will need lots of sun to thrive and grow, and can reach up to two feet.

Herbs that grow well in window boxes include basil, oregano, thyme, and parsley. Basil and oregano thrive in Huntsville’s humid summers. In Alabama, however, it is important to remember that temperature extremes can vary dramatically from year to year. Therefore, when choosing which herbs to grow in your window box, keep in mind that you should plan ahead and maintain a routine.


Herbs that thrive in small spaces are great for growing in a window box. You can select dwarf varieties of most herbs to keep them manageable. You can choose from lavender, sage, lemon verbena, oregano, or mint. You can also choose from dwarf varieties of chives, tarragon, or sweet woodruff. Dwarf varieties can be kept under 2 feet high and need only a small amount of space.

To get the best out of your window box herb garden, make sure you have the right container. A shallow window box will not hold enough water and may not support the plant. A deep window box will hold more water than a shallow window box. When planning your window box herb garden, consider your space and the type of soil it has. If you have a sunny window, consider planting a variety of herbs in your box.

There are many varieties of thyme, which has similar medicinal benefits to peppermint. You can use this herb to enhance the flavor of other herbs and spices in your kitchen. It does not grow tall, but it can fill out the space and add fragrance. While this herb can take up most of the space in your window box, it can be a good plant to grow in a small space. There are some herbs that grow best in shady areas.


Growing culinary herbs is easy in a window box, as many are compact and require very little space. Some herbs grow well in a small window box, while others prefer a larger, more open space. Herbs that do well in a window box include rosemary, basil, mint, chives, thyme, chervil, and sweet woodruff. Herbs should be planted within an inch of the window box’s edges to ensure proper drainage and growth. If you are planning on growing a plant on your window sill, you should protect it from critters by planting it in netting.

You can place your container close to a window or near a deck or balcony. The window box should be full but not overfilled. Leave about two inches of space around the brim. Then, dig a hole two or three inches deep. This will help prevent the seeds from being uprooted and ensure that the plant has plenty of room to grow. For best results, use soil that drains well. If the soil isn’t deep enough, use a plastic tray or a layer of gravel or stones.


If you are considering starting a window box garden, you might be wondering what the best herbs are to grow. Here are a few tips to consider:

Choose a plant that has low water and energy needs. Herb plants that produce new growth can be trimmed to reduce bulk. They require less water and nutrients to thrive. Herbs are also easy to grow in a window box. If you plant the right herbs for your window box, you can enjoy delicious and nutritious herbs for years to come. Herbs are also great for food preparation because their oils are beneficial to the health of the entire garden.

If you have a window box with a shallow depth, you can choose dwarf varieties of many popular herbs. They will grow well in a window box and will have a natural flavor. They can even double as a table decoration. Herbs have shallow roots, so you should make sure to choose a container that is at least 15cm deep to prevent water loss. Also, keep in mind that the height of the plant should be kept under 2 feet.

How to Plant a Window Box Herb Garden