Wildlife - How To Clean And Disinfect Hummingbird Feeders

Cleaning and disinfecting hummingbird feeders can be done in several ways. Some people recommend using a safe soap dish bath, while others opt for part vinegar solution.

Whatever method you select, be sure to thoroughly rinse all parts with clean water before refilling them. It is especially important to clean hummingbird feeders more often than other feeders because their sugary nectar can become moldy and sicken birds who consume it.

Soap Dish Bath

A safe soap dish bath is an effective and cost-effective way to clean and disinfect your hummingbird feeders. As long as the water used is free from chlorine, this method should be successful in ridding your bird feeder of germs and bacteria.

Before anything else, empty out all of the nectar inside your hummingbird feeders. Doing this helps avoid re-filling dirty or partially filled feeders and also helps prevent an accumulation of residue that could attract unwanted insects to it.

Once all the nectar has been poured out, disassemble your hummingbird feeders and soak them in hot water with a small amount of dish soap. Dish soap helps to eliminate any germs present in the sugar water.

Be sure to thoroughly scrub the feeder and all its parts, including feeding ports and harder-to-reach places. Use a small bottle brush or old toothbrush to scrub everything clean, then rinse them thoroughly to make sure no soap or vinegar residue remains.

Some people recommend soaking hummingbird feeders in a solution of bleach and hot water to remove any mold that has developed on the feeders. However, be careful as bleach could potentially be toxic to hummingbirds.

Another method for removing mold from hummingbird feeders is to fill it with rice and shake it around. This should scrape away most of the mold on plastic feeders; however, you should still scrub with soap and water afterwards to make sure no rice or mold remains inside.

You can also use 3% hydrogen peroxide for this cleaning task. It’s easily available at any drug or grocery store and will help eliminate all mold in your hummingbird feeders. Furthermore, the 3% peroxide will dissolve any goop that has built up around the feeder or its flowers.


One of the best ways to clean and disinfect a hummingbird feeder is with a part vinegar solution. Vinegar is non-toxic to hummingbirds and highly effective at killing bacteria and other organisms without leaving behind harsh or unpleasant odors like other cleaners can. Plus, most plastic parts in a hummingbird feeder can be cleaned using this solution without harming them in any way.

Soak all hummingbird feeder parts in a vinegar solution for several minutes or overnight to completely rid them of germs and bacteria. Finally, rinse them thoroughly with hot water to eliminate any soap residue.

Next, thoroughly scrub the inside of a hummingbird feeder with either a bottle brush or cleaning mop. This should include both the bottle itself, its base and all feeding ports. Scrubbing thoroughly all around is important; especially any spots that may have developed mold or other organic matter buildup.

It is recommended to do this every 3-5 days or more frequently during warm weather, as it helps keep the sugar water fresh and prevents mold or fungus growth. If you notice a large buildup of black specs or mold in your sugar water, don’t wait – this could have an adverse effect on the health of your hummers.

When hummingbird feeders are filled with fresh nectar and water, it can attract more birds to the area which means more emptying of the feeder faster. Therefore, regular cleaning of the feeder is necessary in order to prevent contamination of its fresh nectar for hummingbirds. Black mold growth or dirt buildup on its surfaces also pose risks; these could contaminate it so they cannot eat it.

Good news! Most hummingbird feeders are easy to clean and only take 10 minutes. Simply soak them for a few minutes in vinegar mixture, then rub with a sponge or brush before being rinsed and dried thoroughly.


Bleach is an effective disinfectant, capable of eliminating bacteria and viruses on surfaces. It also removes stains from clothing and fabrics – which explains why it’s used in hospitals and restaurants for surface cleaning purposes.

Clorinated water is created by mixing together chlorine, caustic soda and water in a chemical solution. You can find it either premade in stores or easily make it at home with ease.

Hummingbird feeders can be treated with bleach to prevent disease outbreaks and mold growth in their sugar water food source. It’s essential that you rinse the feeder thoroughly after using bleach in order to avoid leaving residue that could linger in either the feeder or nectar, potentially harmful for birds.

If you don’t want to use bleach, a vinegar solution can be used instead. Make sure both solutions have an equal ratio or just slightly more vinegar than water. You could add some drops of lemon essential oil to the vinegar solution for an even stronger lemony smell after cleaning your hummingbird feeder with it.

When cleaning a hummingbird feeder, be sure to wear gloves for protection from the diseases these little birds can spread. After draining away any sugar water, disassemble the feeder so all parts can be thoroughly cleaned.

After a thorough cleaning, your hummingbird feeder can be filled with fresh nectar to prevent them from getting sick and encourage them to return frequently.

Once the nectar is in the feeder, check it twice daily for signs of decay or rotting fruit. If you spot any, replace the nectar immediately.

It is best to refill your hummingbird feeder with fresh nectar as soon as you notice it has gone bad. Otherwise, mold will develop and make the nectar unpalatable.

Another option is to boil the water in the feeder. This method will eliminate all traces of mold, but may harm birds as well.

If you’re concerned about the chemicals in bleach, you can make your own vinegar solution with just one part white vinegar to two parts water. This is a safer option than using chlorine bleach since it doesn’t contain harsh chemicals that could harm birds.

Boiling Water

Hummingbird feeders must be kept clean and hygienic in order to avoid harmful bacterial and fungal infections, according to Carol McGuire, director of hummers and wildlife services at the San Diego Wild Animal Rehabilitation Center. Many hummingbirds end up at their rehabilitation facility with serious infections caused by feeding in dirty feeders, she noted.

Boiling water is an efficient way to wash and disinfect a hummingbird feeder without leaving behind harmful residue. Boiling water destroys pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and protozoa by subjecting them to intense heat.

Aside from sterilizing the hummingbird feeder, this will also remove any leftover sugar residue. Be sure to thoroughly rinse all parts with clean water before refilling them.

If you’re not comfortable boiling your hummingbird feeder, a more gentle approach is to use a mixture of vinegar and water. Soak the feeder in this solution for several minutes, then scrub it with a brush.

This will remove most of the extra sugar and is easier on your hands than doing it by hand, though it is not quite as thorough as other methods we’ve mentioned.

Once you’re finished, refill the hummingbird feeder with fresh nectar and let it sit for at least a few hours before refilling again. During this time, you can also wash inside of the bottle, base, and any hard-to-reach areas to eliminate any residue left behind.

Some people suggest adding a small amount of bleach to the water when cleaning a hummingbird feeder. Although this may not be as efficient as other methods we’ve mentioned, it can help remove any traces of black mold.

Before beginning the bleaching process, be sure to wear rubber gloves and work in a well-ventilated area in order to avoid respiratory problems. Doing this will protect your skin from damage or burns caused by bleach.

Once the hummingbird feeder has been thoroughly cleaned and dried, it should be placed outside and drained of any excess nectar. To prevent spoilage of the nectar, it should be changed every 3-5 days; especially during hot weather or when exposed to intense sunlight.

How to Clean a Hummingbird Feeder