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Blogging - What Makes Blog Content Shareable

What Makes Blog Content Shareable

In the vast digital landscape, where countless blogs are published daily, creating content that stands out and gets shared is a formidable challenge. Yet, certain blogs manage to capture readers’ attention and compel them to share the content with their networks. Understanding what makes blog content shareable is crucial for any content creator or marketer aiming to maximize their reach and impact. 1. Understanding the Psychology of Sharing The Emotional Connection Human beings are inherently emotional creatures. Content that triggers strong emotions—be it happiness, surprise, anger, or sadness—tends to be more shareable. Research shows that articles that evoke positive emotions, …

Blogging - Volume Vs Quality Content

Blogging – Volume Vs Quality Content

In the realm of blogging, one of the most frequently debated topics is the importance of content volume versus quality. Should bloggers focus on publishing a high number of posts to keep their audience engaged, or is it more beneficial to produce fewer but higher-quality articles? This article delves deep into this debate, exploring the pros and cons of both strategies and offering insights into finding the right balance for sustained success. Blogging has evolved significantly since its inception. What began as personal online diaries has transformed into a sophisticated content marketing tool used by individuals and businesses alike. With …

Reading - The Benefits and Advantages of eBooks

The Benefits and Advantages of eBooks

The advent of digital technology has revolutionized many aspects of our lives, including how we consume literature. One of the most significant transformations has been the rise of eBooks. These digital versions of books offer numerous benefits and advantages over traditional printed books. This article delves into the myriad reasons why eBooks have become increasingly popular and explores the unique advantages they provide to readers, authors, and the environment. Accessibility and Convenience Anytime, Anywhere Reading One of the most compelling benefits of eBooks is the unparalleled convenience they offer. With eBooks, readers can carry an entire library in their pocket. …

YouTube Views vs. Impressions: Understanding Key Metrics for Content Success

YouTube Views vs. Impressions: Understanding Key Metrics for Content Success

Introduction YouTube has become a cornerstone of digital content creation and marketing, offering vast opportunities for creators and businesses alike. However, navigating its analytics can be daunting, particularly when it comes to understanding and leveraging key metrics like views and impressions. These two terms are often used interchangeably, yet they hold distinct meanings and serve different purposes in the realm of video performance analysis. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the concepts of YouTube views and impressions, explore their differences, and provide actionable tips to optimize both metrics. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear …

Writing - How Inspiration Improves Writing Quality

How Inspiration Improves Writing Quality

Everyone has different sources of inspiration. As a writer, inspiration is not optional; it’s the irresistible force that drags you the computer and influences you to write something that may change the world. As a blog writer, you must somehow find inspiration for as long as you have to keep your blog updated with high-quality content.  There are many benefits to writing when you’re inspired. Finding inspiration for your writing work will help you generate fresh ideas, as well as maintain a smooth flow of ideas. Below are some ways on how inspiration improves writing quality. 1. The Writing and …

Poem FRAIDIE-CAT by Clinton Scollard


I shan’t tell you what’s his name: When we want to play a game, Always thinks that he’ll be hurt, Soil his jacket in the dirt, Tear his trousers, spoil his hat,— Fraidie-Cat! Fraidie-Cat! Nothing of the boy in him! “Dasn’t” try to learn to swim; Says a cow’ll hook; if she Looks at him he’ll climb a tree; “Scart” to death at bee or bat,— Fraidie-Cat! Fraidie-Cat! Claims there’re ghosts all snowy white Wandering around at night In the attic; wouldn’t go There for anything, I know; B’lieve he’d run if you said “Scat!” Fraidie-Cat! Fraidie-Cat! –Clinton Scollard

Writing - Fantasy Subgenres

Subgenres In Fantasy Writing

Science-Fiction and Fantasy are substantially different categories. Characteristics of fantasy and science fiction often overlap and the precise classification of a given work is subject to debate among some fans and writers. Both fantasy and science fiction of genres are usually shelved together in bookstores and libraries, because of their readerships’ and authors tend to overlap somewhat. Science-Fiction and Fantasy writer sometimes choose to wear two hats and writ some of both. The term ‘fantasy,’ when regarded as part of a particular genre, generally brings to mind tales of dragons and castles and knights and the great quest. Truthfully, the …