Paired Programming Styles

Many software development companies are embracing the pair programming strategy to solve coding challenges. Perhaps, it is because this agile technique encourages a collaboration that facilitates delivering quick results and reduces defects in programs.

Two programmers can deliver code by utilizing different approaches. Here is an overview of the pairing programming techniques. 

Let’s get started.

1. Driver-navigator

The popularity of pair programming is primarily attributed to the driver-navigator style. As the term suggests, this technique involves a driver and a navigator or observer.

A person who takes up the role of a driver is responsible for writing code. On the other hand, a navigator reviews the driver’s coding work to catch any mistakes and maintain the strategic direction. An observer is also welcomed to offer new ideas that can improve the work or address future problems.

The effectiveness of this technique relies partly on the attention of the reviewer. It is easy for them to lose interest, especially if the driver is not communicating. That’s why the drivers are advised to explain every decision actively.

Also, programmers should consider switching roles to maintain a high level of focus.

2. Ping-pong pairing

Ping-pong works a little bit differently as tasks are test-driven. The software development team can connect two keyboards to the same computer, meaning they can both write code at any time.

Generally, though, the most preferred ping-pong pairing strategy features the following elements of Test Driven Development (TDD):

  • One developer (A) is required to draft a failing test for behavior.
  • The other member(B) writes code to pass the test. They can refactor the code whenever necessary.
  • Developer B writes the second failing test and passes it to his/her partner.
  • Repeats the process.

3. Strong-style pairing

With this pair programming technique, the driver performs tasks at hand as directed by the reviewer, who is typically much more experienced.

According to Llewellyn Falco, any coding idea that’s transferred from your head into a computer must pass through another person’s hands.

As a driver, you’re supposed to ask questions if you don’t understand what the navigator is telling you. If an idea comes up, don’t fear switching places and implement it.

When it comes to the navigator, you need to provide insights on how to implement every little detail. Explain why your suggestions are the best solutions. And most importantly, make sure you also engage with your partner in the highest level of abstraction.

4. Tour

Maybe a new member was introduced to your team, and they don’t know much about the work at hand. Like in the previous style, a more experienced programmer walks a novice through every important code detail.

It is like guiding someone on tour, as the driver handles practically everything while showing the tourist around. In programming, the driver writes code and explains every strategic or tactical solution to the tourist or observer. The observer simply follows along.

The novice developer can also take the keyboard side while the expert acts as an observer, who corrects mistakes and provides feedback.

These are not the only pairing programming styles, and new styles may be expected in the future. Nevertheless, keep in mind that pair programming may not be ideal for every software development task.