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Health And Nutrition - The Benefits of the Paleolithic Diet

The Benefits of the Paleolithic Diet

Whether or not you believe in the Paleolithic diet, the fact is that it is an important diet that can help you lose weight, improve your health, and even make you more productive. Whether or not you believe in the diet is really a matter of personal choice, but one thing is for certain: eating a lot of processed foods is not healthy. Processed foods and legumes are off-limits Whether you are looking for a healthier alternative to the standard American diet or you are trying to lose weight, you might want to consider the paleo diet. Designed to replicate …

The Paleo Diet - An Introduction

The Paleo Diet – An Introduction

What Is The Paleo Diet? Known by many names – such as the Cavemen Diet, the Hunter-Gatherer Diet, Paleolithic Diet, and the Stone Age Diet – the Paleo Diet is one of the most well-studied dietary fads of all time and one of the most controversial, too. Its premise is brutally simple. If a caveman didn’t have access to the meal you’re staring at, then DON’T EAT IT! But why? What do our ancestors have to do with your current eating habits? There is a simple analogy all Paleo gurus use to explain this. Imagine our history as a 100-meter …