Writing - Writing Tips For Your First Novel

If you are working on your first novel, there are several things you need to know to make the writing process as smooth as possible. For instance, you need to know how to plot your novel. Moreover, you must know how to develop your characters. There are several methods you can use to do so. These include creating mood boards and fact files of your main characters. In addition, you should consider putting your main characters in difficult situations.

Character development exercises

To develop a strong character for your first novel, you must first identify the character’s background and goals. To do so, you can perform character development exercises. You can also map your characters’ traits and physical development. If you’re writing a fantasy novel, you can also map out your characters’ magical skills. In either case, you need to have a specific goal for your characters, which is usually the main plot of the novel.

One of the most basic exercises is to create a character profile, which can help you understand your characters’ personalities and desires. This exercise requires you to list out the personality traits of your main character, as well as the personality traits of any secondary characters. Once you’ve done this, you can move those characteristics around to create the character’s history.

Another character development exercise involves thinking about the consequences of your character’s actions. Consider how they’ll affect the people around them. For instance, if your protagonist accidentally kills a loved one, do you want them to be able to tell their family that they didn’t have time to reach the lever?

The character’s backstory can also influence the character’s behavior. For instance, a character who grew up with strict parents might not have the necessary decision-making skills to make good decisions. Also, you can use the backstory of your character to provide a contrast in their personalities.

Plot development

Plot development is crucial if you plan to write a novel. When plotting a story, you need to start with the character’s innermost impulses and desires. Regardless of genre or style, you must start from the heart. Then, develop the character’s desires, and connect them to external and internal consequences. The novel’s protagonist should be the most compelling part of the story, and this character should be vivid and believable in your imagination.

You should also develop a strong antagonist. The antagonist’s motivation should be plausible, but the villain needs to have some kind of soft side. If your antagonist is a character with an internal conflict, you can use that conflict to make him or her sympathetic. Once you’ve established this, it will be much easier to develop a plot.

Developing a plot is one of the most difficult aspects of writing a novel. While some people find plotting to be an arduous process, it’s very important to remember that it doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking. You can start with a loose outline of your novel, and work out the kinks as you write.

Plot structure is crucial to the success of your story. Your plot should develop an escalating series of events. You should also understand how the events relate to one another.

Setting a deadline

When you start a new writing project, setting a deadline is very important. It can keep you from procrastinating and can help you stay on track. Try to think of your writing project as building a house, with a specific start date and a completion date. Put it on your calendar and stay on track!

Before setting a deadline, ask yourself what other priorities you have. If you’re trying to write a dissertation or a novel, you’ll want to ask yourself if you have other commitments. You’ll also need to consider the time it takes to do research and writing. You don’t want to spend hours researching something that could take three months. The goal of setting a deadline is to make a concrete plan.

Another way to stay on track is to set a daily word count goal. You’ll feel more motivated and productive if you have a deadline. It will also help you write faster. If you’re familiar with the word count of your genre, you can use that number as a guide. By doing so, you’ll be more likely to meet your deadline for the novel.

If you’re unsure of how long it takes to write a novel, you can ask other writers or publishers to give you an estimate. Once you’ve done this, you can look at the calendar and make a reasonable deadline. Remember to take into account vacations, other commitments, family time, and other factors.

Getting constructive criticism

Getting constructive criticism for your first novel can be a difficult process, and there are some things you should keep in mind when interacting with an editor or agent. First, don’t let your ego get in the way. Take time to read the feedback, and don’t begin implementing changes immediately. Secondly, keep in mind that your first draft doesn’t reveal the whole story.

While it’s important to receive constructive criticism, you should be happy with the results of your work. It’s always advisable to remain true to your style. Writers are their own harshest critics. Although harsh criticism can be useful during the editing process, it can also be damaging to your mental health as a writer.

Another thing to remember is that you won’t be able to please everyone. You may be able to impress a few friends and family with your first novel, but you may also get some negative feedback. If you want to get more detailed feedback, it’s probably worth paying for a developmental or substantive editing service. Regardless, you should be open to getting some feedback on your work before you spend any money.

The best way to get honest feedback on your work is to seek feedback from people you trust. Ask a writer friend or a writer group for advice. This way, you can vent about the negative feedback you receive and get an objective opinion. Although you may be discouraged after hearing a negative review, don’t take it personally and take a step back. There will always be criticism and it’s important to be open to it.

Character development

Character development is an important part of the writing process. It involves writing down the background information and experiences of each character. As Ray Bradbury once said, “Plot is nothing more than a character’s footprints.” During the character development phase, you can write out character profiles and backstories to flesh out the characters’ stories.

The goal of character development is to make readers fall in love with the characters. When readers are emotionally invested in the characters, they are more likely to feel invested in the story. While not every novel is character-driven, it is a great place to start. Here are some strategies to help you create the most compelling characters.

First, you need to identify the character’s desires. Determine the most important thing to that character and how they fulfill those desires. For instance, if the character has a desire to help others, it is important to understand that this can lead them to a plight. Once you’ve identified your character’s desires, you can create a character arc around them.

Next, you need to figure out the plot. Having a good plot is vital for character development. The character must have a clear, believable character arc. The character arc must explain why a character made a certain choice in a particular situation. Without a character arc, it would be difficult for the reader to connect with the character.


If you’re starting a novel, it’s important to know how to structure your story. Plotting your novel within a traditional storytelling structure will help you hit all of the necessary touchpoints while also overcoming writer’s block. Although a novel can be structured many different ways, all plots have five basic parts.

First, plot your novel by creating a rough outline. It will help you stay focused while you’re writing. A plot outline is more flexible than a rigid structure, because elements will have to bend to fit the outline. For example, a plot outline might predict that two characters will develop a romance.

When plotting your novel, ask yourself these questions: Does this story make sense? Does the main character feel as if they’re living in a realistic world? If the answer to both is no, you need to revise your plot. Also, keep in mind that a story must have a beginning, middle, and an ending.

Next, make a list of your main plot twists. Plotting a novel is like building a roller coaster – you must keep the reader invested and on the edge of their seats. A good novel should be well-structured to keep the reader hooked. Ideally, the reader will be strapped in at the beginning of the story, reach the climax, and then come to the final stop. Each plot point should serve a purpose and flow into a cohesive bell curve.