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Business - The Law of Diminishing Returns

The Law of Diminishing Returns

In economics, the ‘Law of Diminishing Return’ states that as the marginal output from a production process increases, it becomes smaller. When other factors are kept equal, however, this principle holds true. In business, this law can be applied to many aspects of the production process. This article explains the law and how it was originally defined. You may also be interested in how technology impacts this economic principle. Law of Diminishing Returns The Law of Diminishing Returns, originally from economics, states that as the amount of one factor of production increases, so does the amount of the other factors. …

Technology - Amdahl's Law

Information Technology – Amdahl’s Law

Amdahl’s Law is an essential principle of computer architecture that limits the amount of speedup attainable from parallel computing. It states that adding more processors won’t add many benefits if a program’s serial part cannot be parallelized. The speed of a system depends on its communication and other overheads, such as memory access delays and software/hardware delays. In the past, various attempts have been made to incorporate these factors into models. What is Amdahl’s Law? Amdahl’s Law is a mathematical formula that describes how much latency can be reduced by running tasks in parallel. This law plays an integral role …