Health And Nutrition - The Benefits of Eating Frozen Fruit and Vegetables

People usually eat fruits and vegetables for their nutritional value, but they cannot enjoy them when their season is over. When fruits and vegetables are out of season, cooks either have to adapt to eating the produce of the new season or depend on frozen fruits and vegetables. Frozen fruits and vegetables are used for various reasons like ease of using them and their nutritional benefits. Some of the benefits of eating frozen fruit and vegetables are:

Frozen Fruit And Vegetables Are Full Of Nutrients

The nutritional value of fruits and vegetables starts lessening the minute they are picked. So, their nutritional value gets affected from the moment they are plucked and the time you take to eat them after harvesting them. But the nutritional value can be much more than fresh fruits and vegetables as they are frozen as soon as possible after harvesting them. Moreover, they are full of their nutritional elements, including minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins, when they are plucked after their full maturity. Freezing fruits and vegetables at this stage help in locking most of their nutrients in them. On the other hand, the fresh fruits and vegetables you get in the market have to travel a long way to reach you, and during that period, they get enough time to reap and get maturity. So they must be harvested when they could not get the maximum amount of natural nutritional elements. They get ripened artificially during their transit period. So, frozen fruits and vegetables have more nutritional value than their fresh counterparts.

The fact that frozen fruits and vegetables are more or equally nutritious than fresh fruits and vegetables can be proved on the basis of two studies performed independently. These studies were carried out by the scientists of Chester University and Leatherhead Food Research center. They have performed over 40 tests on frozen fruits and vegetables as well as on the products kept in a fridge for 3-4 days to measure and compare their nutritional values. They found that the level of nutrients found in the samples of frozen foods is more than in the comparatively fresher items. Actually, the level of antioxidants, like anthocyanins, lutein, beta-carotene, and polyphenols, found in some of the frozen vegetables and fruits, were higher than in fresh fruits and vegetables. The results of these researches have confirmed that the nutrients are not destroyed when the foods are frozen. It has been found that frozen broccoli lost 10% of its nutrients when preserved for one year, whereas fresh broccoli lost over 50% in just one week.

Frozen Fruit And Vegetables Are Free From Additive

When fruits and vegetables are frozen, no unwanted additives are used while packing them in bags. On the other hand, canned fruits and vegetables have a number of additives in them, even if no sugar or salt is used while preserving them. You can find these additives from fresh fruits and vegetables if you check them minutely, but you cannot find any added material on the fruits and vegetables preserved in freezers.

Frozen fruit and vegetables are a good option to eat more healthily. While they are not organic, they are still delicious and nutritious. In fact, they can even provide more vitamins and minerals than fresh ones. But you have to know how to choose these items. Here are some tips to help you make the best choice for you. And remember that it’s important to check the label of each package for added ingredients.

First, it is important to know what ingredients are added to your produce. If you’re allergic to any specific food, you should always ask the seller. When you’re shopping for fruit and vegetables, you may find a list of added ingredients. But don’t worry! Many frozen products are additive-free. The same goes for frozen veggies. They contain almost as much nutrition as fresh food!

When it comes to buying frozen fruits and vegetables, the quality is better than fresh. Most produce is picked at peak ripeness and then frozen. Because they’ve been preserved, they are free of preservatives and chemicals. However, you should be aware of the costs and convenience of buying frozen foods. But if you’re pressed for time, you can always buy fruits and vegetables from a farmers’ market instead.

Frozen fruit and vegetables are often higher in pesticides than fresh foods. Fortunately, most fruits and vegetables are added-free, which means that they’re still rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. But the process of freezing prevents the loss of water-soluble nutrients. Therefore, frozen fruits and vegetables are free from additives. In addition, they are more nutritious and contain more antioxidants than fresh foods.

Most frozen fruit and vegetables are additive-free. You can also avoid these products by buying organically-grown produce from a farmers’ market. But you must make sure you read the labels carefully to ensure they’re additive-free. There are many brands that have a long list of ingredients and are often additive-free. You can always find a frozen fruit and vegetable product by comparing the ingredients on the label.

Frozen fruit and vegetables are free of additives. While thawing is a good idea, you can also consider buying fresh fruit and vegetables. A healthy and balanced diet is important for your health. And remember to buy organic, if possible. This is one of the best ways to eat healthily and stay away from the risk of developing food allergies. The NHS allergy website has more information about the dangers of processed food and how to avoid them.

While most frozen fruit and vegetables are free of additives, some may contain added sugar. You should check the label carefully before choosing frozen fruit and vegetables. If you’re buying frozen fruit or vegetable, it’s recommended to opt for the one without preservatives. While this method of cooking does not contain any additives, you should still avoid over-cooking.

A good way to avoid additives is to eat fruits and vegetables that have been cleaned by boiling water. A few of the most common pesticides on fruit and vegetables are those that come from plastic packaging. So, it’s best to buy organic fruit and vegetables that you can trust and eat. You should also avoid fruits and veggies that are packaged in plastic bags. You’ll be happy to know that most frozen fruit and vegetables are free from additives.

Another great way to avoid additives is to buy only frozen fruit and vegetables. It is important to read the label before buying and choosing frozen fruit and vegetables. In addition, make sure you don’t pick up fruits and vegetables that have been treated with pesticides. It’s also important to buy organic fruits and vegetable products. You can also find many options at farmers’ markets.

When buying frozen fruit and vegetables, make sure you buy those without coloring or preservatives. Some fruits and vegetables may contain additives. This includes coloring and preservatives. Moreover, you can buy organic fruits and vegetables. You can also freeze berries and other fresh fruits and vegetables. They are free from additives. If you can’t find organic fruit and vegetables, you should skip them altogether. They are not only cheaper, but they are also more convenient.

Frozen Fruit And Vegetables Are Very Easy To Use

If you like to eat fresh fruits and vegetables then you can visit a local market of farmers to get the produce of that season, but in the long run, you will find that it would have been better if you have bought frozen foods. Along with preserving the nutritional values, frozen foods are easy to use as you need not wash, chop, or peel them. And for that reason, you can pour them directly on your plate to eat them instantly after taking them out of the freezer. The ease of using frozen vegetables and fruits has also been proved through a study on working women. According to this study, on average, almost one hour is spent every day by a working woman for preparing, serving, and eating the food and cleaning up afterward when she uses frozen fruits and vegetables. But when they use fresh fruits and vegetables then they have to spend at least one-hour preparing, serving and eating each meal. Actually, they save a lot of time to reach and prepare meals with frozen ingredients than fresh ingredients.

Frozen Fruit And Vegetables Can Be Used Flexibly

You can use frozen fruits and vegetables stocked in your freezer in different ways as necessary. You can spread them on the whole-grain toast with butter or use them as a topping on your oatmeal recipe. You can also sauté them with some garlic, herbs, and extra virgin olive oil and add some brown rice pasta or a bit of quinoa or add them in your stir fry dishes as the main ingredient to make delicious recipes of your choice very quickly. Moreover, you can use frozen ingredients throughout the year even when their season is off. Fresh fruits and vegetables, you cannot use in their offseason, unless they are imported from elsewhere.  

Frozen Fruit And Vegetables Take More Care Of Your Health

Though buying fresh fruits and vegetables is the best way to get nutrition, it is not necessary. Nutritionists usually suggest eating 4-5 servings of vegetables and fruits every day to remain healthy.  According to a recent study, it has been proven that fruits and more vegetables and fruit are consumed by the people who buy frozen produce than those who buy fresh ones. It makes people eating frozen produce healthier than those using fresh produce as their intake of vitamins and minerals is higher.

There are a number of benefits of eating frozen vegetables and fruits, but that does not mean that you should avoid eating fresh fruits and vegetables.

Fresh or frozen food? Using SCIENCE to prove which is best with surprising results!