Netezza Puredata Table Describe SQL
Netezza / Puredata Table Describe SQL

If you want to describe a PureData / Netezza table in SQL, it can be done, but Netezza doesn’t have a describe command.  Here is a quick SQL, which will give the basic structure of a table or a view.  Honestly, if you have Aginity Generating the DDL is fast and more informative, at least to me.  If you have permissions to access NZSQL you can also use the slash commands (e.g. d).

Example Netezza Table Describe SQL

select  name as Table_name,

owner as Table_Owner,

Createdate as Table_Created_Date,

type as Table_Type,

Database as Database_Name,

schema as Database_Schema,

attnum as Field_Order,

attname as Field_Name,

format_type as Field_Type,

attnotnull as Field_Not_Null_Indicator,

attlen as Field_Length

from _v_relation_column


name='<<Table Name Here>>’

Order by attnum;

Related References

IBM Knowledge Center, PureData System for Analytics, Version 7.2.1

IBM Netezza database user documentation, Command-line options for nzsql, Internal slash options

IBM Knowledge Center, PureData System for Analytics, Version 7.2.1

IBM Netezza getting started tips, About the Netezza data warehouse appliance, Commands and queries, Basic Netezza SQL information, Commonly used nzsql internal slash commands

IBM Knowledge Center, PureData System for Analytics, Version 7.2.1

IBM Netezza database user documentation, Netezza SQL introduction, The nzsql command options, Slash options