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Reducing Fleas and Ticks in Your Yard

How to control ticks, fleas, and other insects in your yard

To prevent and eliminate ticks, fleas, and other insects in your yard, you should learn more about Nematodes. These are naturally occurring fungi that have the ability to kill ticks, fleas, and other insects in your yard. Another effective way of preventing ticks and fleas is to use Cedar mulch around your garden. Also, make sure to bag grass clippings and blow leaves into piles. Keep a well-groomed yard Keeping your lawn and backyard well-trimmed, especially, where your pets travel will help to deny the habit of fleas and ticks. So, regularly mow your lawn to the type of grass …

How To Make Cats Feel Safe In A New Place

How To Make Cats Feel Safe In A New Place

During the first few weeks, your cat may seem a bit suspicious. That’s why it’s vital to give your new cat some safe Zones and boundaries. Provide a quiet settling room, a heigh retreat for your cat, and familiar things such as their bed, toy, and rugs. If your new cat seems to be hiding, spend some quiet time with them. Give them some boundaries and safe Zones Giving your cat some boundaries and safe zones in a new environment is an important part of establishing a relationship. While it may be tempting to try to make your cat do …

Pets - Origins Of The House Cat

Origins Of The House Cat

Are you curious about the Origins Of The House Cat? You can find out by taking an Ancestry test. In this article, we’ll talk about the origins of the House Cat, its behavior, and color variations. There are a few things you should know, too. So, read on to find out more! We’ll also discuss the Ancestry test and the colors of the different breeds of cats. Origins The house cat’s evolutionary history is linked to five wildcat species, with the African Wild Cat being its most recent ancestor. Using DNA, scientists have discovered that house cats have more mutations …

Pets - Keep Pets Safe in the Heat

Keep Pets Safe in the Heat

First, keep pets indoors when the weather gets unbearable. Never leave them in a hot vehicle. Also, walk your pet in the grass whenever possible and offer plenty of water. And don’t forget about heartworm prevention! Heartworm disease is very contagious, and your pet needs to be protected from the infection. For more information about heartworm prevention and treatment, click here. Also, you can visit a veterinarian to get safe flea and tick control for your pet. Never ever leave your pet in a hot vehicle The heat of summer is dangerous for both people and pets. Leaving your pet …

Pets - Is your house cat a music lover

Is Your House Cat a Music Lover?

If you have a cat, you may be wondering if your cat loves music. Some scientists have found that cats enjoy listening to music. Cats have sensitive ears and a keen sense of hearing. Music can soothe them, and many humans have even included nature sounds into their music. However, research has shown that the way cats respond to music differs from humans. Classical music Cats have an acute sense of hearing. They’re also sensitive to changes in tone. Some cats love listening to music. However, it’s important to note that music for cats isn’t the same as human music. …

Pets - Why Do Cats Like to Scratch Cardboard?

Why Do Cats Like to Scratch Cardboard?

If you’re a cat owner, you’ve probably wondered why your feline friend likes to scratch cardboard. The reason is simple: it feels good on a cat’s claws and makes a pleasing noise. In addition to being pleasing to the senses, cardboard also has a practical use as a toy – it can be recycled and reused for many purposes. In fact, cats are so fond of scratching cardboard that you might find them scribbling on anything that comes in their path. But, why do cats like to scratch cardboard? This is a very common question, especially for those who don’t …

The Danger Of House Cats To Birds

The Danger Of House Cats To Birds

This is a topic of a raging controversy. While cat owners prefer to be in denial, studies have repeatedly brought up the most troubling fact about cats, both free-ranging and domesticated ones. In the US alone, where there are an estimated 86 million house cats, they are blamed for killing 1.5 billion to 4 billion birds every year. Pet owners vs. environmentalists This is a staggering number and pits home cat owners against environmentalists who would not like to see such a murderous predator getting pampered and a privileged position in ordinary households. While the debate is on at the …