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Easy October Meal Ideas

With these delicious fall meals, it will be easier than ever to stay on track with eating healthily this month. From pumpkin soup to one-pot pasta dishes, these recipes will satisfy both comfort and taste! Combine wet ingredients first, before mixing dry ones separately in another bowl. Finally, pour your batter onto an lightly greased frying pan or griddle and cook until bubbles appear on its surface – an indicator of successful pancake making! 1. Pumpkin Soup Pumpkin soup is an autumn comfort food packed with warm and satisfying autumnal flavors. This straightforward recipe serves up enough depth and substance …

Cooking - Benefits of Meal Planning to Reduce Food Waste

Benefits of Meal Planning to Reduce Food Waste

Benefits of Meal Planning. I’ve always enjoyed the benefits of meal planning and preparation. I’m not sure if I ever fully understood the full benefits until recently. I always throw together whatever was leftover from dinner, save a few dollars here and there, and call it a meal. After some time, I realized that the real value in my diet was in the flexibility it provided me with. I wasn’t so attached to any given food group with a good meal plan, and I enjoyed the whole range of foods available to me. Meal planning is essentially the process of …